27 Results

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27 Results
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  • Relaxing massage for pain and stress relief
    Relaxing massage for pain and stress relief
    299 € 239 €
  • Heated eye massage for relaxation
    Heated eye massage for relaxation
    199 € 159 €
  • Add-on cold therapy attachment for Theragun PRO Plus
    89 €
  • Muscle stimulation for targeted recovery
    Muscle stimulation for targeted recovery
    199 € 149 €
  • Powerful massage in a simple design
    Powerful massage in a simple design
    299 € 209 €
  • Vibrating ball roller for pinpointed relief
    Vibrating ball roller for pinpointed relief
    79 € 59 €
  • Vibrating roller for the back, spine + neck
    Vibrating roller for the back, spine + neck
    99 € 79 €
  • Heat + vibration cupping for pain relief
    Heat + vibration cupping for pain relief
    149 €
  • Heat + vibration for lower back pain relief
    Heat + vibration for lower back pain relief
    249 €
  • 20 €
  • 20 €